A podcast about navigating life & exploring spirituality using the heart as our compass.
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The thing that has really kept me going is my faith and trust in the divine. It's my faith and trust in God that honestly keeps me going at all times. The healing process just isn't rainbows and unicorns. — Allison Hollister
If you'd healed as a person, as an individual, if you were more in alignment with your higher self, and if you were someone who did actually follow the mantra of like what we say at the end of the show, which is like that my journey is at the, you know, for the harm of none and for the good of all, you know what I mean? Like if that was something that every single person actually practiced, then we would have heaven on earth. - Alan Mehanna
I don't like the word failing because I don't think that gives humanity any hope. I think there's always hope. As long as we're alive and as long as we're breathing, as long as we wake up the next day there there's hope. I think we need to reprioritize what really matters. You know, I just feel like we've hit like this almost like this breaking point. You know, like what really matters. What really matters. And it's a huge transformation point in humanity. - Allison Hollister
“So many times we are so afraid of what could be on the other side that we end up not taking that leap of faith. What happens as a consequence is that we end up going nowhere… instead of going anywhere, we end up going nowhere.” — Alan Mehanna
“Surrendering to the destruction is surrendering to love. If God is the Generator, the Operator, and the Destroyer, and God is Love… then why else would God destroy something? Why else would we have to go through the destruction in our lives and in the world?” — Allison Hollister
“We don’t just transform one or two or three times in our life time. I think every day is a series of transformations, as long as our hearts are open and we want to see the truth.” — Allison Hollister
“I think that is the biggest challenge for some people. We become so comfortable with the stagnation of who we are. We become so comfortable with the life that we built based on all that conditioning that we are too afraid to let it go.” — Alan Mehanna
“Changing the way we look at things…letting there be room for not knowing…being in acceptance of what is… just letting there be room for more because growth doesn’t end. There’s a technology, some of the things I learned… I just wanted to learn more. It doesn’t make me holy. It doesn’t make anybody more holy. We’re all the same. It’s just in the way that you perceive all of it. And there’s always room for more. As long as we’re in a human body. There is room for growth.” — Allison Hollister
”Ultimately, it’s such a reflexive answer, right? It’s like ‘Oh yeah, I know.’ And it’s like No, no, I don’t know, actually. Again, when you say the words ‘I know’ you end the conversation, you end that possibility of learning, of growing, of seeing a different perspective, you just close the door. It’s extremely dismissive even if it’s not your intention to do so.” — Alan Mehanna
“Love is your biggest weapon. Love towards your self and not egotistically love but pure love. Pure love does not poison relationship pure love will not poison yourself against you. Pure love will not poison you against another person.” — Allison Hollister
“The more you attach yourself to a label, you are losing aspects of yourself to play along with the game. You are going to lose. Stop identifying yourself with external meaningless words and start attaching yourself to your truth.” — Alan Mehanna
“I think life is like a wave. There is the crests and troughs. And when things are really good, you're really riding on the crest. Nothing is more beautiful than being on top of a wave with the sun beating down on you and the salt in your hair. But then you also get tumbled by a wave and you get under and you're worried you're going to suffocate and it feels like a lot of pressure you don't have one without the other and the energy is circular. That moment comes and goes for me.” — Mia Amato Caliendo
“Regardless of how much heartache or hardship that you've experienced in this lifetime, you can come back to a place where you are open enough to be so willing to experience life. To be so open to seeing the beauty in the world again. And understanding that external happiness is not the thing to be chasing, but internal joy and bliss is the thing to be chasing. To be fully understanding, and excepting of who you are. And because all of that have the upmost amount of Gratitude… that's it.” — Alan Mehanna
“Would I do it all over again? The struggles and the hardship. And the thing is yes I would. Because even during the darkest of days, oh my gosh, the amount of gross, and if I didn't make the decision that I had to make for myself, I wouldn't be here doing this podcast right now. I can say this now. I wouldn't change it. Anything. For the world.” — Allison Hollister